IDS_INIT_ENG, "Initialize IDAPI-32Bit and connect to the Standard database."
IDS_CR8PXTBL, "Create a Paradox table, insert 10 records, then delete the table."
IDS_CR8DBTBL, "Create a dBASE table, insert 10 records, then delete the table."
IDS_DB_IO, "Open the Standard database five times. The Standard database is used to access dBASE, Paradox, and Text tables"
IDS_NAVIGATE, "Record navigation - getting the first, next, and previous records from the 'Customer' table."
IDS_ERR_VAL, "Getting information regarding IDAPI-32Bit errors."
IDS_INDEX_PDOX, "Create and manipulate indexes on a Paradox table."
IDS_SIMPLE_BLOB_IO, "Inserting, modifying, reading, and writing simple BLOBs."
IDS_TBLLOCK, "How to use table locking."
IDS_RECLOCK, "How to use record locking."
IDS_RDOLOCK, "Making a directory read only. (Paradox only)"
IDS_QBE, "Doing a simple QBE query."
IDS_QBE2, "Joining a dBASE and Paradox table using QBE."
IDS_BATCH, "Copying records from a Paradox Table to a dBASE table using the DbiBatchMove function."
IDS_BLOB_IO, "Inserting, modifying, reading, and writing BLOBs larger than 64K."
IDS_INDEX_DBASE, "Create and manipulate indexes on a dBASE table."
IDS_RESTRUCTURE, "Adding, deleting, and modifying the fields of a table. (Local tables only)"
IDS_SORT, "Changing the order of records within a table. (Local tables only)"
IDS_FLD_MAP, "Limiting the available fields of a table using field mapping."
IDS_SEARCH, "Searching a cursor for a specific key value."
IDS_BOOKMARK, "Storing the current location within a cursor and returning to that location using bookmarks."
IDS_RANGE, "Limiting the records which are available in the table using a range."
IDS_BLOCK, "Using DbiReadBlock() and DbiWriteBlock() to move blocks of records."
IDS_FILTER, "Limiting the records which are available in the table using a filter."
IDS_LNKCRSR, "Limiting the available records in one table to a value specific to the current record of a second table using linked cursors."
IDS_PASSWORD, "Adding a password to a table (Paradox specific)."
IDS_SESSION_IO, "Starting and using multiple sessions."
IDS_SYSINFO, "Getting system information."
IDS_ALIASES, "Listing the available aliases in the IDAPI-32Bit configuration file."
IDS_TBLINFO, "Getting information about a table."
IDS_CONFIG, "Getting system configuration information stored in the IDAPI-32Bit configuration file."
IDS_LOCALSQL, "Using local SQL on a dBASE table."
IDS_LOCALSQLJOIN, "Joining a dBASE and a Paradox table using SQL."
IDS_SOFTDEL, "Specifying if deleted records are actually deleted from the table using the soft delete option. (dBASE only)"
IDS_DRVCAPS, "Determining the capabalities of IDAPI-32Bit drivers."
IDS_SQLTRAN, "Create and use transactions on SQL tables. You must have write access to the server for this example to work. (Servers only)"
IDS_REFINTEG, "Establishing data relationships between tables using referential integrity. (Paradox only)"
IDS_VALCHECK, "Limit the valid values for a given field using validity checks. (Paradox only)"
IDS_SECDESC, "Retrieving the security descriptors of a table and changing them. (Paradox only)"
IDS_OPTPARAM, "Using optional parameters while creating local tables. Optional parameters are used to set the level (3, 4, or 5) of local tables. (Local tables only)"
IDS_FORMAT, "Changing the format of Date and Time fields."
IDS_TBLOPEN, "Opening a table."
IDS_RECUPDAT, "Adding, deleting, and modifying a record."
IDS_TEST, "Framework to use when writing or testing code."
IDS_TBLLIST, "Getting a list of the available tables and their family members (such as indexes)."
IDS_INDEX_EXPR, "Linking dBASE tables using an expression indexes. (dBASE only)"
IDS_LIVESQL, "Getting and using an updatable answer set (live answer set) using SQL (DynaSet)."
IDS_TEXTEXP, "Exporting data from a Paradox table to a text table."
IDS_TEXTIMP, "Importing data from a text table to a dBASE table."
IDS_CR8TXTBL, "Create a text table, insert 10 records, then delete it."
IDS_SQLBIND, "Using variables within queries. You must have write access to a server for this example to work. Does not work with Paradox or dBASE!"
IDS_INMEMTBL, "Create an in-memory table, insert 10 records, then delete the table."
IDS_CALLBACK, "Create a restructure callback function which gets called from within the DbiDoRestructure function. (Local tables only)"
IDS_LANGDRV, "Using non-US language drivers."
IDS_UPSIZE, "Copying a local table to a server. You must have write access to the server for this example to work."
IDS_FILTCOMP, "Limiting the records which are available in the table using a comparison filter."
IDS_FILTCONT, "Limiting the records which are available in the table using a continue filter."
IDS_ADDDELALIAS, "Adding and Deleting an Alias."
IDS_STORPROC, "Using Stored Procedures."
IDS_UPDTCRNT, "Updating the current record of a cursor."
IDS_KEYUPDT, "Speeding up updates by using only part of the record in the selection criterion."
IDS_INPUTREQ, "How to access a table which is missing an Index File or has an invalid index."
IDS_LOGIN, "Accessing encrypted dBASE tables."
IDS_OPTDBPARAM, "Using a different user name to connect to a Server."